The Great Book of French Poultry
This book retraces the history of French poultry farming presenting more than 60 old (French) breeds, including
those which have disappeared, or are being reconstituted and those which are current today.
Fully illustrated, in color, 22 x 28.5 cm, 144 pages. Published in March 1994, it is out of print.
Ornamental Palmipeds
Published in 2002, this work presents all the ornamental palmipeds : swans, geese, ducks,
red-billed ducks, teals, eiders. The first section is devoted to the specific breeding of these animals.
The second section is devoted to the study of the species. In color, 168 pages. 26 € + postage |
Pheasants and Peacocks
Published in 1996 , the first section : breeding ; second section : knowledge of the species
(description, habitat, historical accounts of discovery breeding advice...). 20 x 24 cm, 216 pages
including 112 color photographs or illustrations. Very limited stock. 20 x 24 cm 168 pages, 166 color
photographs. 28, 81 € + postage.